Thursday, July 31, 2008


Yes, that's right. My first post is a shameless plea for your vote! But, I promise, it's relevant and has quite a lot to do with the impetus for starting this blog - that and my recent obsession with wedding blogs as I also begin to plan my upcoming wedding. But I digress.


The Idea is my collection.

The Blob?


Ah yes, that word. If you have a small business that word is very familiar to you isn't it? Hand in hand with cash flow, it's a powerful little team that can make or break you. For me it seems to do both, daily.

This business has been a roller coaster. This blog is my place to be honest about that.

In the meantime, please vote for me. Please TAKE A CHANCE ON ME - yes insert ABBA here, unless you're not a fan of ABBA and then forget that I ever even mentioned them.

By voting for my business you could help me win $10,000. Seeing as I'm in the middle of production and trying to get my spring 09 samples done (the reason why they're not yet is a whole other long blog post), again I digress, basically what I'm trying to say is please, please, cast your vote and pass on the word.

More posts to follow... about why I need ideablob, how you other designers can find some of the financing that I've used so far, why my samples for spring 09 are on the brink of completion, and how I got myself into this whole mess in the first place!

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